The woman who has visited all the countries in the world
21 February, 2018
Bleisure: When business met leisure
10 May, 2018There’s a bunch of reasons to justify a travel, but it could be just one and only reason to put an end to a relantionship. The question is, can a breakup be a reason just to travel?
There’re people who think that travel at those times is like runaway, that you have to deal with it, but sometimes it’s really necessary to give yourself a break. Deciding to take this new route to singleness it might be no so easy, but it brings you more benefits than you think.
When you travel you disconnect from anything else
It looks really hard for everyone that had been in a breakup -including myself- to forget someone and is even harder when you have friends in common. Sometimes your friends just forget about it and there’s just a matter of time for someone to blurt out his/hers name and it ruins your day, because, you know, it still hurts. That’s why you need a breakup with places in common: stop seeing his Whatsapp messages, don’t check what he/she posted on Facebook, stop trying to find what new photos has your ex in Snapchat. Erase everything and if you can’t do it, go away for a while on a journey to cure your heart. Turn off your cellphone and enjoy new destinations.
When you travel your change your scenery
Everything reminds you of him/her. The streets that you’ve walk through, the restaurants that you’ve dated, the places you’ve visited. But it won’t happen if you find yourself in a total different land. The new experiences will find their way to occupy your mind with new memories that little by little will heal any wound.
When you travel your change your scenery
Everything reminds you of him/her. The streets that you’ve walk through, the restaurants that you’ve dated, the places you’ve visited. But it won’t happen if you find yourself in a total different land. The new experiences will find their way to occupy your mind with new memories that little by little will heal any wound.
“Cuando encuentras a un buen amigo en un extraño!! Sí lo encontré!”
You will taste new things
From new dishes to new ways of communication, dressing, transportation and more. Everything will be new for you, so there won’t be room for bad thoughts.
When you’re traveling, just focus in yourself.
What will you wear, where should you eat, what places should you visit, those have to be the main topics at these times. Any destination will make new challenges and situations that will keep your mind focused on what really matters, so others thoughts are out of question, no matter how short your trip is. When you’re back you’ll find the bright side of things.
You will have all the time just for you
Now that you’re on a trip you’re the main star of this new story. Worry just for you, dress nice, go to dance, collect experiences and don’t forget to carry them all the time with you. The world is yours!